Customer Testimonials

  • I have known Phil for over 20 years and have contracted him for a wide variety of decorating work at my home time and time again. He is polite and courteous to deal with and he delivers consistent and high quality work with great attention to detail. I recommend him highly.

    Sally Brookes, Knebworth.

  • Philip has worked for us for over 15 years and has painted three different work properties (shops) and our home. The different thing about Philip is the preparation that goes into every job.  We've found this is very important as it means the paintwork looks good and lasts so much longer.  He is also excellent with his advice on colours and which ones work well (eg outdoors ). If you keep him topped up with Yorkshire tea he's always happy.

    James Bowden, Ware.

  • Phillip has looked after our houses for over 20 years and always does a first class professional job. His standard of finish excellent, he is totally reliable and a pleasure to have around Phillip is a tidy worker, great value for money and we are happy to have him working in our house.

    Mr & Mrs Hall, Poole, Dorset.

  • Philip has been decorating our home since the 80’s or 90’s. In this period he has refreshed all the rooms and kept the outside of the house in a good condition. He is reliable, speedy and careful, efficient and trustworthy. The finished result is always excellent and he pays attention to details, making repairs as necessary. We have no hesitation in recommending Philip – in fact he has decorated the homes of various family members and neighbours on our recommendation.

    Mr & Mrs Dennis, Cheshunt.
